I'm scared. You see, we're raising two little
girls in a society that is becoming increasingly tolerant of immodestly
and "adult themed" material in nationally televised commercials and
events. Little by little, boundaries are being crossed. No, not by leaps
and bounds, but just enough so that by the time the next big event
rolls around, we are a little more desensitized and our standard of what
is acceptable is just a little bit lower. What in the world are we
doing telling ...ourselves
that it's okay for our youth to view material in a commercial or during
a Superbowl half-time show, when if that same material were in a movie
it might be given a rating for "adult content" or "sexual situations",
that we would then view as unacceptable. I know that expressing my
thoughts on this might not make me the "cool kid on the playground."
However, if this post can encourage and remind even ONE parent that YOU
are still in control of what you allow into your home, then it will be
worth it. Don't let the big guys at ABC, NBC, or CBS determine what is
appropriate viewing material for your family. I'd say there's a pretty
good chance that they don't have you or your child's best interests at
heart. There is no rewind button for a child's mind. It is our
responsibility to guard their innocence until they are at a level of
maturity to be able to process the areas of this life that are sensitive
in nature. And when they are ready? Well, then I would like to have
more of a hand in helping them understand these things than a racy
advertisement on television. If you feel that this is a worthy message
of encouragement, please share! To follow along with future posts,
please click HERE and LIKE the SIT DOWN AND TAKE A BRAKE Facebook page.
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